We appreciate that every small business is different, so we don’t offer one-size-fits-all packages. As a business owner, you have certain ways of working, certain skills and certain preferences. We find out about YOU, so that we can help you devise an online marketing approach that meets your business objectives and is something that you can commit to maintaining on a regular basis.

Consistency is the primary objective. So if you find something too difficult to do, because you just don’t like doing it or it’s too hard, we’ll break it down into easy chunks and build up your skills and interest.

What's included in our one-to-one approach?

Our one-to-one coaching programmes include:

  • One-to-one coaching (in person or via Teams)
  • Business objectives planning
  • Online strategy and implementation techniques
  • Selection of appropriate tools for managing your social media
  • Guidance on content strategy
  • Ongoing motivation and support