Blogging comes easy when you're in flow
Does it seem to take you forever to come up with new ideas for a blog? And then actually getting it down on (digital) paper takes an eternity? Then I have a tip for you.
Write less. Snap more.
You might just prefer a more visual approach to blogging...
A picture speaks a thousand words
On a recent city break to Bilbao, I realised one of the things I love most about travel is the experience of capturing my memories. At the end of each day, I enjoy nothing more than reviewing and editing my images before posting them on Facebook. I usually choose one or two favourites for Instagram, too.
I guess I love the reactions from friends and family when I share my photographic diary. It gives me a warm feeling to think I may have helped them reminisce about their favourite trips or perhaps I've even inspired them to travel somewhere new?
For those who don't know, my husband is a product designer who also happens to create contemporary sculpture (his name is Will Hunt). The art world is a fairly new venture for Will, so I created a simple website to get him up and running. We share photos of his work, like his latest sculpture Libertas - a bird in flight, cast in bronze. I know it's important to include a blog on his site, to help his SEO, but I wasn't sure what to write about. His work is pure and abstract. It speaks for itself. However, words are important to Google.
Our travels are a vehicle for communication
We're obviously hoping to attract art lovers to view and buy Will's sculpture, so I needed the blog to relate to Art. I also wanted the blog to incorporate colourful images, since his bird sculptures are very pure and currently available only in white, grey and black (we're considering funky colours for the future!)
Speaking of funky colours, Jeff Koons' Tulips are one of the many sculptures you'll find surrounding the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao. I photographed these fun flowers when we visited last month - basking in their reflection whilst admiring their contrast with the titanium exterior of the building.
This last trip gave me the idea of creating a new blog called Art Travels on Will's website. I thought I could include a few favourite photos from each trip. I wouldn't need to write lengthy descriptions, but instead enivsaged a few interesting images to showcase the best attractions from our European travels.
May being in flow carry you past all obstacles
I now feel more inspired than ever to take photos during my trips to mainland Europe. I'm excited that I can combine my love of photography, art and travel whilst producing content that's unique and hopefully interesting for my husband's art-loving audience.
The individuals who are likely to buy Will Hunt's work are art appreciators. So sharing news of our visits to art galleries abroad is likely to be something they find interesting, too. Most modern museums and galleries are housed in stunning buildings, so I hope we'll attract architects and designers to his website too.
When you're doing something difficult (like writing a blog post), think about the contrary - what is it that you do that comes easily? Usually it's something you do in your free time, without even thinking. How can you bring that ease with you into what you find challenging?
When you're stuck, you need to remind yourself what you're doing when you're in flow. Then allow the creativity, whether that be words or images, to follow.

Written by Vanessa Hunt
Vanessa worked as an independent CRM Consultant from 2006, before establishing Vanessa Hunt Consulting Ltd in January 2010. She's held training and management positions in software organisations and consultancies such as Maximizer Software Ltd, McAfee, Detica and CSC Computer Sciences. With twenty years' experience in training, marketing and CRM, she's very much at home in anything martech, CRM or cloud related. When she's not in the classroom in heels, she's outdoors in muddy boots!
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