
How to get jumpstarted when your battery's flat

How to get jumpstarted when your battery's flat

Do you ever have days where no matter how hard you focus, you're not as productive as you'd like?

I had one like that recently. 

I had a long document I needed to finish writing by the end of the day. So I removed myself from all distractions. I shut myself away in my home office. I set my phone to silent. I closed all unnecessary browser windows and apps. I started to work. And yet...

Posted on Sunday, 18th January 2015 by Vanessa Hunt
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Yes, your dog can teach you new tricks!

Yes, your dog can teach you new tricks!

My resolution is to be more consistent about how I spend my free time, especially during the working week. My weekends are packed with fun, but I could be doing more of what I love from Monday to Friday too.

You'd think that finding time to do what you enjoy would be easy. Indeed there are some things I do without thinking. Like going for walks (my inner-dog speaking?) But there are plenty of times where I put off doing the very things I know I enjoy. It's easier to switch off by switching on social media, rather than switching on the reading light. So how can you make yourself jump at your equivalent of "Walkies!" at the end of a long day?

Posted on Tuesday, 13th January 2015 by Vanessa Hunt
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